========================================= Creating new translations for TeamSpeak 3 ========================================= You need: * Pre-built ts files: lagos_xx.ts, update_xx.ts etc. They are all in translation_templates.zip. These files are generated from the TeamSpeak 3 client source code and contain all texts which are marked as translatable for the TeamSpeak client (lagos_xx.ts) plus additional executables (update, package installer, error_report) plus the permissions help texts, which are in an extra file. The TeamSpeak 3 developers need to create these files and make them accessible on this page. * Qt Linguist 5.2: http://qt-project.org/downloads Please ensure your Linguist major version is identical to the Qt version used by TeamSpeak 3. At the time of writing this, TeamSpeak 3 is using Qt 5.2.0, so your Linguist should be from a Qt framework version 5.2.x Getting started: * Rename the pre-built ts files so it suits your language code. For example, if you are starting a french translation, rename lagos_xx.ts to lagos_fr.ts etc. * Load lagos_fr.ts in Linguist and start translating. To test the further process, you might want to change some obvious text in the main menu (hint: in "MainWindow") * To test your translation in the TeamSpeak 3 client, you need to create a qm file from your ts file. You can do this from Linguist, see File - Release (As). The released qm file needs to be copied into the translations folder of your TeamSpeak 3 client installation. If you are working on lagos_fr.ts, the released file will be lagos_fr.qm. Once the qm file is in place, start the client and the new language should appear in the Language dropdown box in the Applications page of the Options dialog. Select the new language, restart the client and you should see your previously translated text. * Continue working on the ts file in Linguist and periodically repeat the above process to test your work inside the client. Note the client needs to be restarted to reload the updated qm file. * Repeat for the other executables (update, package installer, error report). These translations are small. * For the permissions translation, load both permissions.ts (contains the english texts) and your permissions_.ts in Linguist, so it is easier to see the original english strings. You find further documentation about Qt translations and the Linguist on the Qt webpage: https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtlinguist-index.html This documentation is also included in the Qt framework.